Past Events & Programs
March 2025
Thursday, March 6
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Brewing in Ancient Babylon
Four thousand years ago a song was composed in ancient Babylonia that preserves the oldest recorded recipe for brewing beer. Archaeologist Tate Paulette has published In the Land of Ninkasi, an authoritative account of beer in Babylonia, the world’s first great beer… Tate Paulette is an archaeologist and Associate Professor in the Department of History at North Carolina State University. He has conducted…
Register Free; Registration required
Saturday, March 1
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Film Screening
Following the global announcement of the discovery of a rare juvenile T. rex specimen by three young boys, the Yale Peabody Museum is pleased to announce a screening of T. REX, a documentary that captured this incredible expedition on camera. T. REX is a captivating…
Register Free; Registration required
February 2025
Saturday, February 1
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Speed of Life
Annual John H. Ostrom Lecture
with Anjali GoswamiWhy is evolution seemingly a story of fits and starts, with long periods of relative stability interrupted by rapid transitions? What allows some species to survive and quickly exploit new opportunities, while others go extinct? Why do the same forms evolve over and over… Award-winning paleobiologist Anjali Goswami of the Natural History Museum in London tackles a simple, but deeply profound question: why has… Gratefully supported by the Charles Gallaudet Trumbull lectureship fund
Register Registration recommended
January 2025
Monday, January 20
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Festival / Family Day
MLK Celebration
Join the Yale Peabody Museum, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and the New Haven Museum for the 29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy of Social and Environmental Justice with a full day of free events open to all. Generously sponsored by… Press Release 2025 Program List Monday, January 20 Yale Peabody Museum… Presenting Corporate Sponsor for Workforce Development: Event Partners: …
Open to Public
December 2024
Wednesday, December 4
6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Darwin en Patagonia
Join composers Diego Golombek and Mariano A. Fernandez for a live excerpt of their opera "Darwin en Patagonia" followed by a lecture about the evolution of the work. The hour-long Spanish-language opera follows Charles Darwin and the crew of the H.M.S. Beagle on their five… For information regarding the opera, taking place at Pauli Murray College December 5-6, please visit the opera's event webpage:
Register Registration required
November 2024
Wednesday, November 13
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Coral Reef Odyssey
Edward P. Bass Distinguished Lecture
with Jeremy JacksonWith Jeremy Jackson Researchers had barely started to understand the ecology of coral reefs before human impacts began to kill them off. For many the situation seemed hopeless. But there is increasing evidence that local conservation actions achieve modest success, that… Jeremy Jackson studies the ecology, evolution, and conservation of coastal and ocean ecosystems. He holds emeritus positions at the…
Open to Public
Monday, November 4
7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
What would happen on earth after humans disappeared? This experimental opera inhabits a world where humans no longer exist. Experience what The New York Times calls, “…sly and sweet, wistful and winsome and altogether lovable” an ensemble of five vocalist/multi-…
Register Registration required
October 2024
Saturday, October 26
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Festival / Family Day
Halloween Spooktacular Celebration
Join us at the Peabody for our “Spooktacular” celebration, suggested for little ones up to age 10. Come in costume (nothing too scary, please) and learn about spectacular creatures, collect fun items, and explore the wonderful weirdness of the Peabody’s collections up…
Open to Public
Tuesday, October 8
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Artisan Talk: Professor Clarence Cruz
To create traditional Pueblo pottery, ceramic artisan and professor Clarence Cruz works with raw materials that he gathers from different sites on public lands. In talk about his process, Cruz will demonstrate how to make a pottery vessel, why they are important to his…
Registration not required
September 2024
Sunday, September 29
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Festival / Family Day
¡Fiesta Latina!
¡Fiesta Latina!, a celebration of Hispanic cultures featuring music, dance, and food, will take place September 28 from 1 to 4 pm at Junta for Progressive Action, located at 169 Grand Avenue in New Haven, and at the Peabody September 29 from noon to 5 pm. The event is a… “Our goal is to celebrate Hispanic culture through community programming and through sharing objects from the Peabody’s collections about those cultures. The aim is to move this from a one- day event, to a series of events throughout Hispanic Heritage month at various… The festivities will begin at noon with a performance by Proyecto Cimarron, a Puerto Rican Bomba performance group. The Spanish Community of Wallingford’s youth mariachi band and dance troupe, committed to preserving the cultural heritage of Mexico, will take the stage at… Activities at the Peabody Museum Sunday, September 29 Educational Activities… Event Sponsors …
Free admission